Welcome to Black Cat Lagniappe

I hope you enjoy my shop as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. I am based out of New Orleans, LA. My city has inspired me and brings out my creativity. She is my muse, my lady and my encouragement of all things mysterious and beautiful. This website shows my artistic work combined with the city’s mystical romance. This is the best type of Lagniappe (“a little extra”) New Orleans has to offer. It’s the extra things that gets us through the tough moments and makes us feel alive. Feel free to explore the site and get caught up in the mysterious magic of “a little extra” part of life.

Laissez le bon temps rouler!!

Charmaine Rich, Artist

About Black Cat Lagniappe

Charmaine Rich, Artist

Charmaine was born and raised in New Orleans, LA. Her ancestors arrived in New Orleans in 1721 only 4 years after the city was founded. The French family tree includes Major Jean Favard of the French army, and a casket girl named Marie Angelique Girad. Growing up in New Orleans among the music, art, history and spirit of the city opens the creative mind of a child. Charmaine’s favorite holiday is Mardi Gras. The beauty of the floats, the music of the bands and the spirit of all the people in the city create a magical place. No where else like it in the world. The city is a family and celebrates life and death. As our French ancestors always said, “make today count, you never know what will happen tomorrow.”

After graduating from the University of New Orleans, Charmaine married her college sweetheart, a Marine Officer named Ray Rich. The Marine corps journey took the couple all over the United States. During these gypsy years, the couple added two children three cats and one dog. But New Orleans was always in her heart and home was calling. The family moved back in 2016. In 2018 she became a tour guide and fell in love with New Orleans all over again. In 2020 when the pandemic hit the city shut down. This was the time when her beloved city whispered to her “open your artistic creativity.” The dream became a reality. Charmaine began her artistic journey and has never looked back. Now, along with some unlikely characters the Black Cat Lagniappe company begins.

Minnie- Co-Founder of the company, retired

As the inspiration of Black Cat Lagniappe, I am living proof that if you have a dream and work hard you can accomplish anything! I was born in 2017 in the backyard of Charmaine’s neighbor. I came from a very hard life only to be found and cared for by Charmaine and her son, Chase. In those early days of my life, I would encourage Charmaine to follow her dream giving her lots of supportive meows and kisses. I became her artistic muse. However, I decided Chase would be my hooman. After two years of long hours and hard work, I decided I needed to lead the kitty life. I retired from the company so that I could follow my dream of sleeping 20 hours a day. I’m spending my retirement with Chase waiting on me hand and foot in my cozy uptown apartment. But I do still check on my staff to make sure they are at least working 4 grueling hours a day. Meow for now…..

Mercedes – CEO

Peace to everyone! I’m Mercedes, CEO for Black Cat Lagniappe. Here at the company, we keep it in the family. I am Minnie’s niece and like her, I was born in the backyard. My mom liked to prowl the neighborhood, so Charmaine took me in. Minnie taught me the inner workings of the company and I took over for her. I’m relaxed with company policies and feel we should all love each other and chill out. My “flower child” personality fits in well with this company and things run smoothly. I think. Anyway, hope you enjoy this website and the creativity of the company. We all worked hard to be successful. I think.

Liberty- CFO

Hey y’all – I’m Liberty, CFO of Black Cat Lagniappe. I work with the money, taxes, licenses etc…. All the important behind the scenes things that make the company run. I was born on the Westbank – Best Bank baby!!! Charmaine knew I was the best kitty for the job and brought me home. I decided my hooman would be Logan, Charmaine’s daughter. Logan is now my assistant and does everything I tell her to. I’m a very important part of the success of this company. I do know I need to get back to work…. after a short nap…only 10 hours. This job is brutal!

Luna – COO

Hey, what’s up? I’m the newest member of Black Cat Lagniappe as the COO. I am also the newest member of the family. I am originally from Florida and recruited by Charmaine. I am very appreciative of this opportunity to work for this great New Orleans company. For a beach loving kitty like me it is an opportunity of a lifetime. I work with the day-to-day operations of the company, the growth of the company and the hiring. I book the art shows for Charmaine and make sure she is there on time, setting up her booth and ready for the show. As a young kitty of 18 months old, I know what is popular with social media. This website is my vision for the company. I’m confident it will be successful. So, enjoy and have an awesome day!

NOLA- The Lagniappe. The “extra spice” of the company

OK, good, you are here…. My name is Nola and I am everything New Orleans. I am Black Cat Lagniappe! I am from this beloved city and was selected for this company and this family because Charmaine saw my headshots. I am gorgeous, so she had no choice but to bring me into the family. Even though the Black Cats run the company, people come to see me! As I walk around the shows people stop me to take pictures and videos. Oh, so tiring, but my fans need me. I just can’t go anywhere without being recognized and having people ooohh and aahhh over me. I am a large part of this company because, well, I’m me. Kiss…kiss…